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Simposio Latino Americano de Canola

SLAC 2014

August 19 to 21, 2014
Centro Cultural Notre Dame Menino Jesus, Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil


Canola cropping can improve production of protein, and quality oil for human nutrition or biodiesel production, over millions of hectares of the same land that produces summer crops in Latin American countries. Canola provides an opportunity to optimise use of human potential, and production resources such as land, machinery, storage facilities and oilseed processing plants, besides reducing the pressure for turning forests and pastures into grain production areas. Additional benefits include breaking the disease and insect pests cycles of the main grain crops leading to less dependency on agrichemicals, and more sustainable farming.

The canola growing area, although relatively small, about 70,000 ha in Paraguay, 48,104 ha in Brazil, 100,000 ha in Argentina, 32,750 in Chile, and 13,200 ha in Uruguay, in the 2012 season, has increased in every region where initiatives combined the efforts and capabilities of key production chain agents and technologies.

SLAC aims to create opportunities for organising, presenting, discussing, identifying strengths, planning, and providing Research, Development and Innovation tools to improve grain yields, quality and cropped area of canola in Latin American countries-LATAM.

Aiming for a perennial interaction and collaboration of people, institutions and organisations for canola development in Latin America, a Plenary Session will be held to: i) evaluate a proposal for holding a SLAC every two years (for example); ii) define a candidate city for hosting the next SLAC; iii) suggest two people of each participating country for the organising committee of the next SLAC.
