Embrapa Trigo

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9. Notas e curiosidades

9.1. "Wheatgrass", segundo a Enciclopédia Britânica

(genus Agropyrum), any of a number of species of wheatlike grasses in the family Poaceae, found throughout the North Temperate Zone. The plants are perennials, about 12 to 40 inches (30 to100 cm) tall; many have creeping rhizomes (underground stems).

Fonte: http://search.britannica.com/search

9.2. Taxonomia dos gêneros Triticum sp. e Agropyrum sp.

Triticum species

Poaceae or Graminae

Emmer, wheat, German wheat, Rice wheat, Starch wheat, Two-grained spelt, Two-grained wheat, Wild emmer wheat

Common Wheat, Triticum aestivum L. subsp. aestivum.

Club Wheat, T. aestivum subspecies compactum (Host) MacKey

Durum wheat, T. durum Desf.

Spelt, T. spelta L.

Emmer, T. dicoccon Schrank.

Wild Emmer, T. dicoccoides (Koern. ex Ascb. & Graebn.)Aaronsohn

Poulard Wheat, T. turgidum L.

Polish Wheat, T. polonicum L.

Persian Wheat, T. carthlicum Nevski.

Macha Wheat, T. aestivum subsp. macha (Dek. and Men.) MacKey

Vavilovi Wheat, T. aestivum subsp. vavilovi (Tuman)Sears.

Shot Wheat, T. aestivum subsp. sphacrococcum(Perc.) MacKey

Oriental Wheat, T. turanicum jakubz.

Timopheevi Wheat, T. timopheevii (Zbuk.) Zbuk.

Einkorn, T. monococcum L.

Wild Einkorn, T. boeoticum Boiss.


Gramineae, or Poaceae

Agropyrum species (syn. Thinopyrum sp.)

Source: Magness et al. 1971

The wheatgrasses are hardy, mainly perennial, erect grasses, important especially in the Northern Great Plains. The seed heads resemble wheat heads, hence the name. They may form sods or grow in bunches. They are suitable feed for all classes of livestock. They produce growth early in the spring.

Around 150 species of Agropyrum are known in the temperate regions of the world, about 30 in North America.



Wheatgrass, Beardless bluebunch

Wheatgrass, Bluebunch

Wheatgrass, Crested

Wheatgrass, Fairway

Wheatgrass, Intermediate

Wheatgrass, Pubescent

Wheatgrass, Siberian

Wheatgrass, Slender

Wheatgrass, Streambank

Wheatgrass, Tall

Wheatgrass, Thickspike

Wheatgrass, Western

Fonte: http://newcrop.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/Crops

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