Embrapa Trigo Documento Online Nº 1, nov./99


ADEE, E.A.; GRAU, C.R.; OPLINGER, E.S. Inoculum density of Phialophora gregata related to severity of brown stem rot and yield of soybean in microplot studies. Plant Disease, v.79, p.68-73, 1994.

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HERSHMAN, D.E.; HENDRIX, J.W.; STUCKEY, R.E.; BACHI, P.R.; HENSON, G. Influence of planting date and cultivar on soybean sudden death syndrome in Kentucky. Plant Disease, v.74, p.761-766, 1990.

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RUPE, J.C.; ROBBINS R.T.; GBUR, E.E. Effect of crop rotation on soil population densities of Fusarium solani and Heterodera glycines and on the development of sudden death syndrome of soybean. Crop Protection, v.16, p.575-580, 1997.

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SCHERM, H.; YANG, H.B. Development of sudden death syndrome of soybean in relation to soil temperature and soil water potential. Phytopathology, v.86, p.642-649, 1996.

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WORKNEH, F.; YANG, X.B.; TYLKA, G.L. Effect of tillage practices on vertical distribution of Phytophthora sojae. Plant Disease, v.82, p.1258-1263, 1998.

WRATHER, J.A.; ANDERSON, T.R.; ARSYAD, D.M.; GAI, J.; POPLER, L.D.; PORTA-PUGLIA, A.; RAM, H.H.; YORINORI, J.T. Soybean disease loss estimates for the top 10 soybean producing countries in 1994. Plant Disease, v.81, p107-110, 1997.

WRATHER, J.A., KENDIG, S.R.; ANAND, S.C.; NIBLACK, T.L.; SMITH, G.S. Effect of tillage, cultivar, and planting date on percentage of soybean leaves with symptoms of sudden death syndrome. Plant Disease, v.79, p.560-562, 1995.

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