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Dezembro, 2002
Passo Fundo, RS


Among the three wheat regions in Brazil, the southern area comprises Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Santa Catarina (SC) and center-south of Paraná (PR). Excessive rain in the winter and spring seasons, frosts at the flowering stage, and rains at the harvest of the crop are risks and problems. The main objectives of the work are related to obtaining cultivars that meet demands for the south-Brazilian wheat area: a) adaptation to technologies in use; b) higher grain yield and stability; c) agronomic characters adequate to the several cropping conditions: resistance to lodging and shattering, early cycle for normal sowing time, adaptation to hydromorphic soils, and late-early cycle for anticipated sowing seeking covering of the soil and dual purpose; d) resistance to the main diseases; e) tolerance to the environmental stress; f) technological quality adequate to the different uses. The research comprised selection and experimentation of specific germplasm for the region, advised by Embrapa Trigo, Embrapa Clima Temperado, Fepagro, and Epagri. As a result of the breeding activities conducted by Embrapa for the development of early and late-early wheats, releasings were made: in 1999, BRS 176 for the center-south of PR, and BRS 177 and BRS 179 for RS, and in 2000 BRS 194 for RS. Results obtained in the period 1999-2001 allowed to release BRS Figueira, BRS Angico, and BRS Timbaúva for RS. In the 2002 season crop, BRS 179 was the most cultivated variety in RS. Data obtained in the Cultivar State Trial demonstrated the outstanding performance in the period 1999-2001 of the cultivars developed by Embrapa Trigo. Evaluation in hydromorphic soils in RS allowed to extend the releasing of BRS 120, BRS 177, and Fundacep 30 cultivars to soils suitable to cultivate irrigated rice and the releasing of Fundacep 31, Fundacep 32, and BRS 194 cultivars for Wheat Regions 7 and 8. The progress demonstrated in experimental data and commercial fields characterizes wheat potential for cultivation in soils for irrigated rice and represents viable technology for using a great productive infrastructure in the winter. In the 1999-2001 period, genetic variability was observed in wheat, with forage yield above the Common black oat and grain yield higher than the average early wheat cultivars tests, demonstrating the potential of the wheats with the cycle idealized for partial replacement of the black oat and green covering under non-tilage system in forage production and adaptation for dual purpose use. The feasibility of such practices can insert wheat as an important alternative of income diversification, flexibility and sustaintability in the production systems of the south-Brazilian area. High grain yields obtained in the 1999-2001 period (6 to nearly 8 ton/ha) demonstrate the anticipated sowing potential and the viability of alternatives of cycle diversification and sowing times for wheat, as an strategy for risks and losses reduction. With the results obtained by Fepagro and Epagri, the indication of Fepagro 15 was extended in 1999 for SC and the indication of cultivars for SC in 2000 and 2001, through five new wheat cultivars (Fundacep 30, Fundacep 32, BRS 177, BRS 179, and BRS 194).

Index terms

Genetics, breeding, Triticum aestivum, cultivar, selection

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